1. About Fjord Tours
  2. Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

On this page you will find our terms and conditions.

1. General

Fjord Tours AS (FT) offers different types of travel products all over Norway, both to the national and international markets. We offer round trips with public transportation such as trains, boats and buses, and travel services from other suppliers, including activities, hotels, and individual transport services. In addition, FT sells travel packages as defined in Section 6 of the Norwegian Act relating to Travel Packages of 15.06.2018. Where we sell travel packages, FT is to be regarded as the organizer.
These terms and conditions apply to all sales through our website.
For the sale of travel packages, these terms and conditions are supplemented by the General Terms and Conditions for Travel Packages dated 01.07.2018. Where these terms and conditions deviate from the General Terms and Conditions for Travel Packages, FT’s travel terms and conditions take precedence over the General Terms and Conditions for Travel Packages, as this is an industry-standard that may be deviated from in certain cases.
The terms and conditions govern the relationship between FT and the customer, collectively referred to as the parties. For trips purchased from sales agents or other distributors, please refer to the agent's/distributor's conditions and the regulations in the relevant country.

2. Definitions

According to this agreement, the following terms are understood as follows:
Package travel: A travel as defined in the definition in Section 6 of the Act on Package Travel of 15.06.2018, and which is not exempt from the Act's scope according to the Act's Section 2.
Roundtrip: A composition of transport products with public transport such as trains, boats and/or buses offered and sold by FT.
Mediation: Where FT offers for sale or sells travel services on behalf of other providers of travel services.

3. Entering into of the Agreement and terms of payment

The Agreement between the parties is considered to have been entered into upon a booking confirmation.
The request for payment for the trip is normally due in its entirety upon booking and will be charged to the customer's payment card upon completed booking.
Hotels may have other terms of payment. In most cases, the customer pays directly to the hotel or at the place of accommodation on departure. Some rooms require prepayment. In such cases, the customer's payment card will be charged immediately upon booking. If the customer does not cancel his or her stay within the deadlines set out in clause 6.4, the customer will receive an invoice for the booking in its entirety.
The terms in this clause deviate from the norm as described in the General Terms and Conditions for Travel Packages. This is a consequence of guarantees and obligations towards our subcontractors.

4. What is covered by the agreement

The agreement includes the trip as stated in the booking and confirmation and travel certificate or similar document, as well as any additional services included in the trip according to the agreement between the parties. The agreement also includes the organizer’s and/or the supplier’s individual terms and conditions.
Furthermore, the information provided by the organizer and/or supplier on its websites, in catalogs, brochures, etc., is part of the agreement unless it must be assumed to be without significance to the customer’s purchase of the trip in question.

5. The price of the trip

The price quoted for the trip includes all fees, charges and/or taxes imposed by the Norwegian and/or foreign authorities on the services included in the agreement.
The price also includes any additional charges for optional additional services. Where a hotel is included in the booking, payment must normally be made directly to the hotel or place of accommodation at the time of departure. Upon such booking, the customer will be informed of the total price of the trip, what the customer should pay upon booking, and what is to be paid at the hotel or place of accommodation.
For the sale of round trips and package tours, FT reserves the right of possible price increases as a result of changes in raw material prices, or levels of taxes and fees. FT shall inform the customer if such changes occur. The customer must be notified of such price increase no later than 20 days before departure. A price increase of more than 8% of the agreed purchase price gives the customer the right to withdraw from the contract without any cost. Our ordinary conditions for cancellation will still apply.

6. Changes and cancellations are subject to a fee

Cancellations and changes to bookings can only be made directly to FT. If you need help changing or canceling your trip, please contact us at +47 555 57 660 or booking@fjordtours.com.
6.1 Round trips and travel packages
Our round trips and package travels can be changed or cancelled up to 7 days before departure at a charge of NOK 200 per booking. For example, a trip starting on 8 June can be canceled or changed until midnight on 1 June.
For changes and cancellations later than 7 days prior to departure, there is no refund. This also applies if you book less than 7 days before the start date of the trip.
If you wish to change the number of travelers on the booking, we have to cancel the entire booking and re-book the remaining travelers due to the conditions of the transport provider. If a route is fully booked, we do not recommend changing the quantity to not lose your reserved seat reservations for the rest of the travelers.
All changes require available capacity, and any price increases in the event of such a change will have to be borne by the customer. Please consider this if you think about reducing the number of people in your booking.
6.2 Activities
An activity can be changed or canceled up to 7 days before departure free of charge. For changes and cancellations later than 7 days prior to departure, there is no refund. This also applies if you book less than 7 days before the start date of the activity.
Bad weather does not provide a basis for cancellation. However, if the supplier must cancel for security reasons due to bad weather conditions, a refund will be given.
6.3 Ferry routes
The ferry routes Geiranger-Hellesylt vice versa and Gudvangen-Kaupanger vice versa can be changed or canceled up to 7 days before departure at a fee of NOK 200 per booking.
For changes and cancellations later than 7 days before departure, there is no refund. This also applies if you book less than 7 days before the start date of your trip.

If you wish to change the number of travelers in your booking, please contact us for cancellation of the entire booking. A new booking must be made for the remaining travelers. Please consider this before you think about reducing the number of people in your booking.
All changes require available capacity. Any price increases are borne by the customer.
6.4 Hotel & Accommodation
Accommodation booked through Fjord Tours will be held until 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival unless otherwise is agreed. The room rate normally includes breakfast with the exception of self-service hotels and places of accommodation.
Cancellations must be made no later than 6:00 p.m. the day before scheduled arrival unless otherwise specified. If the customer does not cancel his or her stay within the deadline, the customer will receive an invoice for the booking in its entirety.

7 Cancellation in the event of exceptional circumstances

When purchasing travel packages and round-trips, the customer has the right to cancel the trip, and to receive a refund for the amount paid for the trip, if unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances such as war actions, natural disasters, dangerous infectious diseases, or other circumstances that must be considered as equivalent with the aforementioned, are established at the destination or its immediate proximity, and that will affect the trip or the transport of the customer to the destination. The right to cancel will also apply if the circumstances arise at or along the route, and they involve a real risk for the customer. The customer is obliged to give notice without undue delay if she/he wishes to cancel due to extraordinary circumstances.
The right to cancel according to this clause does not apply if the customer knew, or should have known, of the circumstances when entering into the agreement to purchase the trip.
If FT has mediated travel services from another provider, including, for example, a provider of transport, activities or hotels, FT will comply with the applicable guidelines of our subcontractors.

8. Special information about luggage transport

If the customer books luggage transport, the luggage must be delivered at the hotel reception before 06:30 a.m. on the day of departure. The luggage can be picked up at your arrival hotel after 9:00 p.m. on the same day.
The customer must stay at the hotels between which the luggage is transported. FT is not responsible for the customer’s luggage if the customer chooses other accommodation options. The customer must label all luggage in advance with the name of the customer/traveler stated in the booking form and the customer’s reference number, as we cannot bring any luggage without the name and reference number. FT will create an individual consignment note and reference attached for each item. A copy of the consignment note will be kept by the hotel reception. The customer must have their own travel insurance in case of damaged luggage. Damage detected in our custody will be compensated by our subcontractor or their insurance company.
Late delivery after 11:00 p.m. is compensated with NOK 250 per item. If delivery is delayed until the next day, we will refund expenses for necessary purchases of toiletries, underwear, etc. If the delay is due to factors beyond our control (e.g. force majeure, accident, closed roads, etc.), we are not obliged to provide such compensation.
Cancellation of a booking up to 7 days prior to travel entitles you to a full refund. Cancellation within the seven days prior to departure is non-refundable. A cancellation must be made through FT’s customer service, otherwise, it will not be refunded.

9. Deficiencies in the implementation of the travel agreement

9.1 For the sale of travel packages
In the event of a default related to the travel package, the customer may invoke rights pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Travel Package Act, including i.a. requesting remedy, alternative travel services, price reductions, and compensation.
In the event of a default related to a travel package, clause 8 of the General Terms and Conditions for Travel Packages regarding deficiencies will apply.
9.2 When mediating travel services from other suppliers
Deficiencies in the implementation of the agreement on travel services mediated by FT may unfortunately occur from time to time. In such a case, FT has no independent responsibility for the supplier's implementation of the travel agreement and will comply with the supplier's guidelines in the event of any deficiencies.
9.3 Complaints
The traveler must give notice without undue delay if he or she discovers any deficiency related to the trip.
In the event of default during the trip, the customer must, without undue delay, notify the organizer/supplier about the deficiency of the travel services. Where the deficiency is shown upon delivery of the travel service, the supplier must be contacted on-site.
If a problem cannot be satisfactorily resolved on the site, a written complaint must be made to FT without undue delay.
For travel packages and roundtrips, FT will, to the extent possible, try to remedy problems that may arise for our customers. In such cases, we may also request confirmation from the Customer that no compensation has already been claimed from the transport provider under other regulations.
For activity products, individual transport products, and hotels, FT will forward the request to our suppliers for their further processing of such a request.

10. The organizer/supplier’s right to cancel in exceptional circumstances

The organizer may cancel a travel package without liability for damages if the trip cannot be completed due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and the traveler is notified of the cancellation without undue delay. Such impediments may, under the circumstances, be war or acts of war, natural disasters, dangerous infectious diseases, extraordinary weather conditions, or other circumstances that are considered to be equivalent to the aforementioned. The statements of Norwegian and local authorities shall be put weight to in this assessment.
If a booked travel product must be canceled/suspended due to such circumstances, the customer is entitled to a refund of all amounts paid.
If unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances lead to a canceled travel service by one of our suppliers, FT will comply with our suppliers’ applicable guidelines.

11. The Customer’s obligations

The customer is responsible for reading these terms and conditions and the conditions that FT and/or our suppliers have published on websites, in catalogs, or otherwise.
Information: Upon booking, the customer is responsible for ensuring that the information provided about themself and any travel companions is accurate. The customer must ensure that tickets and travel documents are in accordance with the booking and that the names of the travelers are correct.
The customer must comply with the instructions given regarding the time and place of attendance, etc. during the trip, and arrive well in advance of the scheduled departure time.
Documents: The customer must bring a valid passport, any visa/health certificates, tickets, reference numbers, and other documents that may be necessary for the trip. The customer must obtain any documents that may be necessary for the individual trip. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that he/she understands requirements such as passport, visa, currency, vaccination, and health required to use the purchased travel product. Fjord Tours sells travel in Norway and refers to the at all times applicable entry regulations for Norway apply to foreign nationals entering Norway. Read more about the applicable passport and visa requirements on the website udi.no.
Insurance: The customer is personally responsible for any relevant travel insurance for the trip in question. Fjord Tours does not offer cancellation insurance and recommends that everyone take out private travel insurance for the trip, which also covers cancellations.
Schedule changes: The customer is responsible for keeping up to date with any changes in the departure time by reading the organizer’s e-mail, text messages as well as notices from the organiser.

12. The Travel Guarantee Fund

Fjord Tours is a member of and provides a statutory guarantee to the Travel Guarantee Fund. The Travel Guarantee Fund can be contacted by telephone + 47 51 85 99 40 or by email: firmapost@rgf.no or by mail at: Reisegarantifondet,PO Box 1807 Vika, 0123 OSLO.

13. Dispute resolution

If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your problem when purchasing a travel package or our mediation of transport services, you may contact the Package Travel Committee or the Package Travel Complaints Board. The Complaints Boards can be contacted via www.reiselivsforum.no or Norsk Reiselivsforum, Øvre Slottsgate 18-20, 0157 Oslo. 
For complaints about our mediation of other travel services, please contact the Norwegian Consumer Authority for mediation. The Norwegian Consumer Authority is available by telephone at 23 400 600 or at www.forbrukertilsynet.no.
The EU Complaints Portal can also be used if the customer wishes to file a complaint. This is particularly relevant if the complainant is a consumer domiciled in another EU/EEA country. The complaint can be submitted here http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
In any event, we kindly ask you to give us an opportunity to solve the problem before contacting a complaints board.

14. Entry into force

These terms and conditions are applicable from 01.01.2023 and will from the same date replace the previous terms and conditions.

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