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  2. Viking villages in Norway

Viking villages in Norway

It’s no secret that there’s a strong Viking history in Norway. Even though the Viking era came to an end during the 11th century, the legacy of Vikings lives on. For those interested in learning more about Viking history, culture and tradition, there are several attractions ranging from museums and historical sites to Viking villages that bring history to life and give you a sense of stepping back in time to the Viking Age.
Lofotr Vikingmuseum, Lofoten - Norway
Let’s take a closer look at some of Norway’s best Viking villages!
Norwegian viking settlement


Njardarheimr Viking Valley in Gudvangen is a recreated Viking village. There are a number of Viking villages in Norway dedicated to bringing our strong Viking history to life, but Njardarheimr is perhaps the most well-known. This lively Viking town is located within the perfect setting, in the heart of the beautiful UNESCO-listed Norwegian fjord landscape of Nærøyfjorden.
Njardarheimr is a living village, with villagers wearing costumes who are ready to share their knowledge about Viking culture and history. In Viking Valley, visitors can enjoy The Viking Experience, a guided tour that will provide plenty of insight into how Vikings lived and how the Vikings traveled. It’s a very family-friendly place, with many fun activities and learning opportunities for kids. If you’d like to pay a visit to Njardarheimr, one of Norway’s best Viking Villages, it can easily be done on our very popular Norway in a nutshell® tour.
Medivial Viking Feasts - Vikings - Karmøy, Norway

Avaldsnes Viking Farm

Avaldsnes Viking Farm is located on the island of Bukkøy in Rogaland, Western Norway. The Viking village has been reconstructed based on archaeological finds made in Rogaland and aims to bring Viking history and traditions to life. Here, you’ll find a traditional longhouse, a boathouse built to accommodate a Viking warship, a roundhouse in addition to several other smaller buildings.
While most people think of Vikings as seafaring warriors, the backbone of Viking society was actually the farmers who led fairly peaceful lives. This Viking-era settlement is all about sharing the strong farming and craft traditions of the Vikings, offering guided tours, a fantastic history center, and plenty of interesting activities, especially for children.
During the summer season, the Viking Farm is open for tourists with plenty of fun and interesting activities going on. On the weekends as well as in the evenings, you can rent the traditional Viking longhouse for a guided tour or a Viking banquet for a special occasion. In June, the Viking Farm plays host to a yearly Viking festival, which sees Viking enthusiasts from all over travel to the charming village of Avaldsnes.
Rainbow over the Viking Village - Gudvangen, Norway

Kaupang Viking Town

Kaupang Viking Town in Larvik is another fantastic site dedicated to bringing the Viking experience to life. This settlement was built around the year 800 and was once the capital of Norway. Kaupang is an old Norse term for the marketplace, and the area used to be a center for international production and trade.
The Viking Town has plenty to offer visitors in terms of learning experiences, activities, and interesting sights. Knowledgeable guides dressed in Viking-appropriate attire have plenty to teach visitors about Norway’s Viking history and the local area. The Viking Town is a family-friendly place with a range of fun activities for kids, such as puppet theatre, crafts, a cultural trail, and more. There’s also plenty to interest adults, including a new archeological exhibition showing some of the important research and findings around Kaupang. Since most of the city still hasn’t been excavated, there may be plenty of hidden Viking treasures beneath your feet as you walk around exploring the town! Kaupang Viking Town is open to visitors during the summer season, offering the chance to learn about how Vikings lived in the town and to experience Viking traditions, crafts and food culture.

Not only is a visit to a Viking village fun and interesting for the whole family, but these places are also committed to the important task of preserving and celebrating the culture, history, and craft traditions of their ancestors. By spending time in a Viking village, visitors of all ages and interests can transport themselves back to the Viking age and gain insight into what it was like to live as a Viking all those years ago. We would certainly recommend bringing the Viking experience to life with a visit to a Viking Village, and if you’d really like to connect with your inner Viking.

Get active like the Vikings


Welcome to a captivating exploration of the legendary Vikings in Norway!
Wiking Museum - Oslo, Norway

The history of Norwegian Vikings

Though the Vikings lived long ago, their strong legacy lives on and there’s no shortage of interest in their history and traditions. There are plenty of ways for interested travellers to experience Viking life and traditions in modern Norway. For history buffs and families with kids, a trip to Norway is a fantastic way to explore Viking history – all over the country, you’ll find museums, tours, Viking villages and more just waiting to be discovered.

Lofotr Vikingmuseum, Lofoten - Norway

Viking villages in Norway

It’s no secret that there’s a strong Viking history in Norway. Even though the Viking era came to an end during the 11th century, the legacy of Vikings lives on. For those interested in learning more about Viking history, culture and tradition, there are several attractions ranging from museums and historical sites to Viking villages that bring history to life and give you a sense of stepping back in time to the Viking Age.

Viking  - Norway

Viking Travels

Many tourists who travel to Norway are eager to learn more about the history of the Vikings. And, we can’t blame them. The Vikings were fascinating, complex people. Although they are primarily known as fierce warriors, they also engaged in trade and transport across much of Europe and built incredibly advanced ships that fascinate historians to this day. Here is some of what we know about how and where the Vikings traveled during the late 8th to the 11th century.

Viking  - Norway

Medieval Viking feasts

A feast is a huge celebratory dinner with everything served in abundance. The Vikings were famed for their glutinous indulgence of food and habit of eagerly drinking beer or mead wine with every meal.