Finse is located at 1222 metres above sea level and is the highest station at the Bergen Railway. One may reach this location only by train, foot or by bike. Finse is surrounded by majestic mountain landscape with the mighty glacier Hardangerjøkulen that towers royally in the west. Few places in Norway offers mightier nature experiences than Finse.

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The Navvies' road – Rallarvegen
Rallarane was the workers who built the Bergen Railway and the trail they used to get there is today used as a hiking / biking trail. The Navvies` road is actually one of Norway`s most beautiful biking trails and Finse is a natural stop along the route. At Finse you also find the Rallar Museum, that tells the story behind the building of the plateau stretch between East and West of the Bergen Railway. It also demonstrates the hard life and challenging work of Rallarane.
Winter activities
As Finse lies at the foot of Hardangerjøkulen makes it an ideal place for great ski tours.
One may ski from cabin to cabin, or do full-day trips in the area. The trials to the DNT – The Norwegian hiking association`s cabins are marked along the route, like to the Geiterygghytta, Krøkkja and Hallingskeid. Finse is not only a paradise for ski enthusiasts, but also kiting and ski sailing is a popular activity in the winter. Since the past years, it has become a popular destination for randonee skiing.
Summer activities
Finse is placed just in the middle of a network of marked and unmarked trails and is the perfect starting point for high mountain trips in the summertime. When staying at Finse the trip to 1850 (masl) high Hardangerjøkulen is a popular activity. It is a tough but fantastic experience in the spectacular iced landscape. Finse is also one of the stops on our Norway in a nutshell® tour, maybe this will inspire you to make a stop here during this popular roundtrip?