1. Food and wine
  2. Dishes sold at Trøndelag Farmers' market

Dishes sold at Trøndelag Farmers' market

If you are one of the millions of tourists to book round trips to Norway and want to experience some truly authentic Norwegian food, then one of the best places to go is a farmers’ market. However, you don’t want to go to just any farmers’ market, but the Trøndelag farmers’ market.
Norwegian Rakfisk market
Located in the middle of Norway, this area not only contains some charming cities and towns but also hosts some of the best farmers’ markets that the country has to offer all year round.
While there are bound to be some Norwegian staple foods such as røkelaks and lefse, you will also likely find quite a few items for sale that are unusual, to say the least. However, just because something looks or smells odd, that does not mean that it is not delicious. In fact, here are some truly unusual dishes that happen to taste incredible and can often be found at a Trøndelag farmers’ market.
Pølse i lompe

Pølse i Lompe

If you were to be offered every ingredient used in pølse i lompe separately, then it would likely seem like a relatively normal thing to eat. Once they are all put together to create this sausage dish, though, it renders a very unusual result. Eating sausage is a big part of Norwegian culture, especially on May 17, when every Norwegian is supposed to eat three sausages in one day. However, even during other times of the year, it is fairly common to find pølse i lompe being sold at farmers’ markets.
It usually consists of a Viennese sausage that is placed in a tortilla-like wrap. It is then covered in a variety of toppings, which could include more normal things like raw onions, ketchup, and mustard, or it could be garnished with some truly strange additions such as shrimp salad and potato salad. Despite its unusual ingredient combination, it is a dish that is beloved by many Norwegians and visitors alike.
Norwegian Rakfisk market


In many cultures around the world, eating raw fish is not unusual at all. However, when it comes to rakfisk, it is not the fact that it is raw that is the strange part but rather the fact that it is fermented for up to a year before being consumed. This gives the trout or char a particularly strong odour that is enough to drive most people away. But if someone can manage to bring themselves to eat it, they will likely be pleasantly surprised at the delicious taste of this classic Norwegian dish.

Syltelabb and Smalahove

Although these are two completely separate items that are often found at the Trøndelag farmers’ market, they are included in the same section due to the fact that they are unusual dishes for the exact same reason. Most people who are not from Norway or another Scandinavian country are likely used to only eating specific sections of an animal, with the other parts being thrown away or used in a non-food related process.
Keep in mind, though, Norwegians are known for using every little bit of animal they can. This includes cooking entire sheep's heads (smalahove) and pig's feet (syltelabb). The sight of seeing an intact pig's foot or sheep’s head is often enough to startle most visitors. However, the local Norwegians have mastered the art of cooking these dishes and preparing them in a way that they taste absolutely delicious.
Although these unusual dishes may be startling for one reason or another, they are all incredibly delicious and enjoyed by thousands of people at the Trøndelag farmers’ markets every single year. So, when you venture to Norway—bring your appetite and try one of our food tours, check the selection HERE!

Food experiences in Norway

We offer several activities and experiences which include sampling Norwegian food and beverages. Here are some of our favorites.

Articles about Norwegian food and cuisine