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  2. When is the Best Time to Visit Norway?

When is the Best Time to Visit Norway?

If you’re planning a trip to Norway, you’re likely wondering what the best time of year is for visiting our beautiful country. Norway is actually a great travel destination year-round, so it’s hard to go wrong no matter what time you end up visiting! The best time for you to go to Norway depends on where you’d like to go and what you’d like to do during your trip.
On deck aboard Vision of the fjords - Norway in a nutshell® winter tour - Flåm, Norway
In this article, we’ll tell you about the Norwegian climate and weather conditions, and give you some insight on what the best time for your visit would be depending on what you’d like to do.

What’s the climate in Norway like?

The climate in Norway varies a lot between the different parts of the country, and even within regions, the weather and climate can vary greatly. In general, Norway enjoys a much more mild climate than other places in the world that share the same latitude, for example, Siberia and Alaska – this is due to the warm water the Gulf Stream brings. However, Norway can still feel quite cold to travelers, and the North of Norway is generally much colder than the rest of the country due to the Arctic climate.
Norway’s coast enjoys a fairly mild climate, which is one of the reasons that fjord Norway is so popular as a destination all year round. No matter what time of year you decide to visit Norway, we would recommend checking the weather forecast ahead of your visit and packing warm clothes!
Autumn in the Aurlandsfjord

When is the best time of the year to visit Norway?

Spring is a lovely time to go to Norway since the snow and ice will have melted away in most parts of the country, and flowers are in bloom. Springtime is a wonderful season for Norwegians, marking the end of the winter which can often seem long and dark. A city break or an active holiday such as skiing or hiking (depending on where in the country you’d like to go) is a fantastic option for a Norway holiday in spring. During the spring, there will also be fewer tourists around than during the height of summer, making it an attractive period for travelers hoping for a more low-key experience in Norway.
Summer is, perhaps unsurprisingly, the peak period for travelers to Norway. The weather is usually mild depending on where you go, and there’s plenty to do and see during the summer. The south of Norway is considered a true paradise during the summer, with many Norwegians opting to go there during their holidays rather than going abroad. The summer is the best time to come to Norway if you’re hoping to experience the fascinating midnight sun when the sun is up all night long in certain parts of Northern Norway. The summer weather in Norway is usually quite nice, with pleasant temperatures on land and to a lesser extent in the sea for those looking to have a swim.
In the autumn, the colors in the beautiful nature and scenery of Norway changes, with tones of orange and brown on the mountainsides. Since it’ll usually still be fairly mild temperatures in autumn, this is a lovely time for an active holiday in Norway, with many hikers, cyclists and other outdoor enthusiasts opting to visit during this time. Autumn is also a great time for a city break or a spa holiday, with plenty to do and see in Norway’s bigger cities and in the charming rural villages and towns.
Husky Safari in Tromsø, Norway
Winter is a fantastic time to visit Norway due to the many interesting experiences and activities that can only be done during the cold and snowy season. For many travelers, it’s an extra bonus that the winter months offer a much more quiet traveling experience than the height of the summer season with its many tourists. If you’re coming to Norway during the winter, chances are you’re doing that because you’re keen to experience the snowy winter wonderland with its many opportunities for outdoor exploration and activities. Also, the winter season is the best time to experience the aurora borealis – the spectacular northern lights so many visitors come to Norway hoping to catch a glimpse of.
The UNESCO Geirangerfjord  - UNESCO Geirangerfjord & Trollstigen Tour - Geiranger, Norway

When is the best time to go to the fjords?

Fjord Norway is a popular destination for travelers all year round. In the spring, you’ll be able to experience the stunning fjords with flowing waterfalls and blossoming fruit trees on the hillside landscape. The summer, with its warmer weather and plenty of opportunities for outdoors activities, is the high season for travelers to Norway, with fjord Norway being a hugely popular attraction. The autumn will bring lovely fall colors to the fjord landscape and is a great season for exploring Norway’s natural landscape. The winter is a fantastic time to explore the fjords if you’d like to see them at their most quiet and serene, with much fewer people around – and as an added bonus, the beautiful snow-capped mountains around the fjords will look spectacular.
No matter what season you choose to visit Norway, we recommend experiencing the Norway in a nutshell® tour. This tour does exactly what it says on the tin as it gives you Norway - in a nutshell!
RIB boat trip with Viking dinner - full speed on the fjord - Activities in Flåm, Norway

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